The Secretary General of Research and Technology and ESETEK are supported in their work by the Sectoral Scientific Councils (TES), which are recommended by a decision of the Minister after the consent of ESETEK and on the subject of research, technology and innovation. By the same decision, the Minister determines the number of members of the TES, the President, the vice-president, their regular and alternate members, as well as any other issue related to their composition and operation. The number of members is not required to be the same for all TES.
At its 7th Meeting, ESETEK proposed to the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, Mr. Chr. Dimas, and to the G.G.ET. Ath Kyriazi the creation of new Sectoral Scientific Councils and their staffing through an Open Invitation to the academic, research and business community. The TES proposed are the following:
1. TES for horizontal policy
• Human resources and skills policy
• Data and Artificial Intelligence Policy
• Technology Transfer Policy
2. TES for scientific disciplines
• Life Sciences / Medicine
• Engineering Sciences
• Informatics
• Natural Sciences and Mathematics
• Social Sciences and Humanities
• Agrotechnology and Nutrition
Environment, Energy and Sustainable Mobility (added by ESETEK at its 13th Meeting)
3. Task Forces
• Tourism / Culture and Creative Industries